EN70 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/en70/art/Abortion-25151511EN70

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September 16, 2006
This is a relatively new deviant and I'd like to encourage him to show more of his work here on dA. Abortion by ~EN70 is one powerful design with a strong message. Imagine you're considering abortion and you see this poster on the street or train, wouldn't it make you think twice? This is what design is about, this is what made commercial design popular, the ability to communicate strong controversial messages. Simple, effective, nice use of shapes and contrast of colour and very iconic. So much to say, so little time.
Featured by depthskins
EN70's avatar




Social Poster about abortion issue

My statement about abortion:

I dont like that abortion became "usual" thing.
I accept it in some situations. It is even neccessery sometimes.
Choice is for mothers.

However treating it as a "eraser" will increase relativism and egoism.
Futher more, relativism will bring that there will be more bad things treat as a good

**I'm graphic freelancer and looking for a job****
Image size
600x788px 81.05 KB
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DoctorQuacks87's avatar

ngl I do wish my mom did get abortion cause I don't like what I'm seeing here